
(norm) The Knowledge BOT Platform

norm, an AI-powered Knowledge BOT, utilizes generative AI/LLM technology to offer fast and precise answers to queries on your website. By leveraging information from the client knowledgebase managed through the CMS platform, norm ensures the provision of accurate and helpful responses. Users can ask questions in natural language, and norm will employ a LLM to understand the query, analyze the content in the CMS-enabled client knowledgebase, and promptly deliver an accurate response in natural language. Additionally, relevant articles will be presented alongside the AI-generated answer.

norm by the Numbers

Event-based SMS last 12 months
Customer SMS interactions last 12 months
Of agent tasks our virtual agent performs
Increase in Customer Service productivity and CSAT

Why norm is beneficial

Enhancing the intelligence of your knowledgebase, can:

Easily return relevant content based on questions entered by user.

Streamline content management through the use of a CMS.

Enhance your FAQ reporting with Google Analytics.

Collect input from your users.

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